Welcome to Jamaica
Hanover Grange opened in 2010. It was designed and built as the Jamaican home of Theresa and Andrew Roberts. Theresa was born in Jamaica (St Elizabeth) and is now one of Europe's most prominent collectors of Jamaican art.The house was designed to accommodate a number of art works from Theresa's collection of international painting and sculpture with the Long Gallery used exclusively to showcase a selection from her Jamaican art collection.
Hanover Grange is set in its own grounds which also include sculpture from the collection. The villa produces its own food from a garden which is run according to strict organic principles. It features fresh herbs along with vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, pak choi, tomatoes and a wide variety of exotic fruits. It was important to Theresa that her guests should be able to enjoy food that the property provided. In addition to the herb and vegetable gardens, the gardeners have created a garden that allows flora and fauna to be brought in to decorate the home.
The house itself is located at Tryall, the most exclusive private estate in Jamaica, renowned for its privacy and security. Hanover Grange has sea views from most rooms. Holiday membership of Tryall Club allows guests access to all the facilities on the estate which include private beach club, an 18 hole championship golf course, superb tennis courts and a fitness suite.
The latest addition to Hanover Grange is a Spa Gazebo peacefully located in the Villa's lush gardens and shaded by palm trees. A wide range of treatments are available for Hanover Grange guests to book following which they can relax in the jacuzzi. Theresa is passionate about helping and promoting young Jamaican artists and Hanover Grange is an important venue on the Island to view their work.
As well as the organic garden the house is run on environmentally friendly principles. Waste is eliminated where possible and the guests' wellbeing is prioritised.
Hanover Grange is fully staffed with its own chef, butler, housekeepers, laundress and gardeners.
Hanover Grange is fully staffed with its own chef, butler, housekeepers, laundress and gardeners.
There is a complete focus on the guests' needs from your early morning coffee - choose from a cafétière, an Italian espresso or cappuccino or Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee - to the end of the day when you put your head on the pillow you have chosen from the pillow menu. The owners and staff have tried to anticipate and accommodate your every need.

Please use our contact form for more information about booking Hanover Grange
or call +44 (0) 7590 635051 for any inquiries.